How do I choose the right decorative panel for my furniture

How do I choose the right decorative panel for my furniture

Why should children’s rooms use more environmentally friendly children’s room panels?

First, it affects children’s development and may cause children’s intelligence to decline.

The younger the child is, the more vulnerable they are. Because children’s physical development is not yet fully mature, the epidemic prevention system needs to be slowly established during the growth process, and their ability to resist external damage is far less than that of adults. Even if there is some small formaldehyde pollution, adults can rely on their own resistance to resolve it, but children cannot. The younger the child, the lower the resistance, and the more protection is needed.

Second, formaldehyde pollution greatly increases the risk of children getting sick.

Children are currently a high-risk group for leukemia. In addition to the internal factor that children’s immune function is relatively weak, formaldehyde emitted by indoor decoration materials is also one of the murderers. Because children have different hematological characteristics from adults, such as children are in the process of growth, unstable hematopoietic function, and poor hematopoietic reserve capacity; children’s hematopoietic organs are susceptible to infection and prone to nutrient deficiencies. According to relevant statistics, 90% of children with leukemia are related to decoration pollution. Excessive formaldehyde can cause children’s blood diseases, and severe cases manifest as leukemia.

Third, excessive formaldehyde will increase the incidence of asthma in children.

Health experts have shown that when the concentration of indoor formaldehyde reaches 0.06-0.07 mg in cubic meters of air, children may suffer from asthma. The World Health Organization announced that 100,000 people die from asthma every year due to air pollution, accounting for 35% of all asthma cases. According to a survey by the medical department, formaldehyde release pollution is the main cause of the increase in asthma in children aged 3-5 years old. The prevalence of children in my country is 2%-5%, and among them, children aged 1-5 years old account for as high as 85%. The main factor causing asthma in preschool children and primary school students is indoor formaldehyde pollution in families and early childhood education places.

Fourth, formaldehyde pollution can cause congenital abnormalities in newborns and changes in fetal chromosomes.

A recent study by a US medical institution shows that indoor air pollution can harm the fetus in the womb of pregnant women. Pregnant women who inhale air with high formaldehyde pollution have a 50% increase in persistent gene mutations in their newborns compared to normal levels. In recent years, the total incidence of birth defects in newborns in my country is 1.3%, accounting for about 4%-6% of the total number of newborns each year, and the total number of new children with congenital disabilities is as high as 800,000 to 1.2 million each year.

Five, formaldehyde problems cause heart disease in newborns.

Pregnant women who inhale polluted air during pregnancy are more likely to have heart diseases in their children. Pregnant women who live in severely polluted air are three times more likely to have heart diseases in their children than those who breathe fresh air. Long-term exposure to low concentrations of formaldehyde in newborns may also cause chronic respiratory diseases, causing the physical condition of newborns to decline and cause heart disease in children.

 Hangzhou Yodean Import and Export Co., Ltd is the representative international trade company of group company including Hangzhou Dawei, Huangshan Xingwei and HTK, established in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province since 2015s, mainly committed to providing better sales service for our furniture paper customers all over the world.In addition, Yodean decor is also committed to providing a one-stop service for furniture decoration materials and providing more professional and comprehensive procurement channels for international clients.

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